Our partners – PDP

The pdp neuropsychologists create a personalised prevention programme for each participant, which includes activities ranging from cognitive training to physical activities, social activities and nutritional advice, depending on the participant’s needs. The pdp then distributes vouchers for the recommended activities with its partners. Below is a list of the pdp partners and the activities offered.

Info Zenter Demenz
Zitha aktiv
Association Luxembourg Alzheimer
croix rouge luxembourgeoise
Info Zenter Demenz

The Info-Zenter Demenz

The Info-Zenter Demenz is the national information and consultation center for all questions relating to memory disorders and dementia.

It is available to people affected by memory problems or suffering from dementia, their relatives, health personnel and all others interested.

All consultation services and materials offered are free of charge.

The Info-Zenter Demenz offers you free information and helps you

  • to better understand the problems of memory, orientation and the different forms of dementia
  • to shape life with such impairments in a positive way – be it as a person directly affected or as a loved one.

The Info-Zenter Demenz informs you about the offers of help and support in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. It tells you about providers and services likely to help you in certain situations (home help and care services, day centres, retirement and care homes, psychological, social and occupational therapy, etc.)

In addition, the Info-Zenter strives to improve the general public’s perception of memory disorders and dementia. To this end, it organizes awareness-raising actions, conferences and information meetings.

Above all: we take the time to listen to you! You can reach us at 26 47 00 or info@demenz.lu

Zitha aktiv

ZithaAktiv – Memory and mobility center

ZithaAktiv, also known as the Memory and Mobility Center, is a center located in Luxembourg-City, offering prevention, diagnosis, advice, and therapy.Our team consists of physiotherapists, occupational therapists, and psychologists.

Individually, we offer our patients physical therapy (on prescription), psychological consultations, cognitive training, and neuropsychological assessments. In groups, we offer mobility training (MOBILfit) and cognitive training (NEUROfit).

It is in the context of prevention that we have been collaborating with PDP since 2016. Indeed, we meet with PDP patients for a preventive counseling and training program: psychological consultations, cognitive training (group/individual), mobility training.

Association Luxembourg Alzheimer

L’Association Luxembourg Alzheimer

The Association Luxembourg Alzheimer – ala for short – is an aid and care network specialized in the care of people with dementia.

Since its foundation in 1987, the ala has been committed to the interests of people suffering from dementia and their relatives at national and international level.

Through its various care structures (a home care service, six day care centers and a residential nursing home), the ala can offer all the services provided for by the long-term care insurance nationwide.

As an association, the ala also offers many other assistance and support services that go beyond the services provided by the long-term care insurance.


L’Association nationale des diététiciens du Luxembourg

The role of the dietician in the “Dementia Prevention Programme“ (pdp)

Dietetics is a discipline which, through diet, aims to preserve or even improve the nutritional state, to reduce the risk of developing certain diseases or associated complications. In addition, it aims to optimise or maintain the state of health and quality of life of people at all ages according to their needs while promoting the “pleasure of eating”.

Having a correct nutritional status is of great importance in preventing the onset of cognitive impairment or dementia.

In order to ensure this prevention, the dietary support in the pdp programme seeks to examine the diet and to ensure that important nutrients are consumed sufficiently in relation to the needs.

The dietetic consultation, which takes place in a face-to-face interview, is based on the assessment of the patient’s nutritional status, analysing dietary behaviour and consumption. On an individual level, eating habits, lifestyle, wishes and difficulties are taken into account. Depending on the situation, needs, medical objectives and possibilities, the dietician offers each patient personalised and adapted advice.

Dietary support also makes it possible to improve or adapt the diet to the specific needs in different life situations and thus reduce the risk factors for dementia, e.g. prevention of obesity, undernutrition, meals adapted to the person with a chronic pathology, e.g. cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, Parkinson’s disease.

croix rouge luxembourgeoise

Red Cross Luxembourg

The mission of the Luxembourg Red Cross is to “improve the living conditions of the most vulnerable elements in society.” More than a thousand volunteers and over 3,000 professionals make it a major player in the areas of health, youth, social work, and humanitarian action.

Thus, the Luxembourg Red Cross is involved in a variety of activities, such as emergency international humanitarian help, home care, blood donation, rehabilitation, welcoming of elderly or dependent people to day care homes, social assistance, welcoming of migrants and refugees, individual help to people in difficulties, transition homes and youth homes, and socio-family therapy services.



Created in 1998, Help is a network of home help and care that brings together various partners who are certain that close collaboration is necessary and useful so that various activities in the field of health can be offered in an optimal way for all those concerned , regardless of gender, age or origin.

At Help, nearly 1,200 employees provide high-quality care at home every day. Their work is also distinguished by the attention paid to the slightest needs of customers and the individual exchanges maintained with the beneficiaries of the network. Thanks to the values ​​of proximity, listening and quality, Help offers thousands of people an authentic social bond, characterized by exchange, respect and humanity.

It is by living these values ​​on a daily basis that HELP ensures that “every day looks good”.

The Help network has been a partner of the pdp since 2018 through its Senior Clubs which offer people who frequent their activities in the social, cultural, sports and leisure fields in order to remain cognitively and physically active.

The Help network has 6 Senior Clubs in Luxembourg. Although these clubs are aimed primarily at seniors, everyone, young and old, can participate in club activities. The Clubs renew their activity programs every quarter.


Lëtzebuerger Verein fir Gediechtnistraining

Our association for holistic memory training was initially founded in 2012 as a regional group subordinated to a German federal organisation, the « Bundesverband Gedächtnistraining e.V. (BVGT) », from which all 14 memory trainers have been certified – nine of them in 2021.

In 2016, LVGT has become an independent non-profit organization, « association sans but lucrative (asbl) » under Luxembourg law. In the same year LVGT also became a member of the European umbrella organization for memory training (EUVGT).

Tasks and Goals

While performing memory training sessions with different target groups at different place, we want to make known the concept of holistic memory training « Ganzheitliches Gedächtnistraining » (GGT) in Luxembourg. Our holistic trainings include body, soul, spirit and hemispheres. With this approach, we let the brain work with the aim of maintaining and optimizing brain performance. In our courses, exercises are taught in such a way that the participants can optimally exploit their capacities.

Collaboration and Skills

In addition to the partnership with University of Luxembourg within the « Programme for Dementia Prevention » (pdp), LVGT sometimes works with other organizations in Luxembourg and apart from our memory training courses, we participate in specific information events and conferences.

Our memory trainers are trained in intensive formations by the BVGT and take part in further training courses every three years. The association monitors and promotes these processes.


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